
Following ‘s link to Why We Need a New (And Better) Google, I heard about the start-up search engine blekko, which has certain "slashtag" filters built in. I decided to put it to the test by searching my name, of course. When I search on Google, I can find "Bonepickers" on the first page but that’s it. Anything that’s actually me is scattered one by one across the following pages. In contrast, 10 of the 20 entries on the first page of my blekko search were actually me, even without the slashtags. And (bonus!) I found a review of "Acid" […]


Interesting fact of the day, which you might know but I did not: Okay or O.K., according to the Online Etymology Dictionary, dates from 1839, "only survivor of a slang fad in Boston and New York c.1838-9 for abbreviations of common phrases with deliberate, jocular misspellings (cf. K.G. for ‘no go,’ as if spelled ‘know go’); in this case, ‘oll korrect.’" It’s too bad I’m not a student of linguistics, because I can see a thesis right here on the evolution of this kind of slangy misspelling, from O.K. up through lolcats and lolspeak. I’ve been diverging from my review-only […]

Crossed Genres 23

And, almost back-to-back, my story "Seeing Stars" is up in Crossed Genres 23: Dreams and Nightmares. "Seeing Stars" is the story of an modern-day oracle with brain damage who’s driven to help a fellow patient, a human siren. This one’s a lot gentler than most of my stories, and I’m happy that the editors at Crossed Genres loved it enough to take it. I’ve heard good things about their operating process, and my experience has lived up to the reports–they use a standard contract, they get back to you with edits in a prompt fashion, and they reliably deliver the final […]

ASIM #47 2

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine (ASIM) #47, edited by the fabulous  , has been released and is now up for sale over at their website. My story "Acid" appears in it, as well as fiction by Patrick S. Tomlinson, Stephen Watts, Felicity Pulman, Charlotte Nash, John Phillips, Ferrett Steinmetz, Gary Cuba, and Tam McDonald. I’ve met Gary Cuba on Baen’s Bar but don’t have an acquaintance with any of the others. (I don’t think.) Both print and PDF versions are available; I haven’t received my contributor copy yet so I can’t comment on them, but once I do I’ll post a […]

Milestones to Adulthood 1

In response to this unbelievable NYT article about why 20-somethings "aren’t growing up",  writes this open letter. "Why are so many people in their 20s taking so long to grow up?" asks the article. Here’s one jewel of a sentence: Others reach the milestones completely out of order, advancing professionally before committing to a monogamous relationship, having children young and marrying later, leaving school to go to work and returning to school long after becoming financially secure.  responds: Perhaps the article (or, rather, its author) is attempting to be progressive and hip by just glossing over the horrendous state of […]

Sideshow Fables, Issue #2 1

I guess I should mention that my story "Charmer" is up at Sideshow Fables. Sideshow Fables is a fledgling print/e-book magazine of circus and carnival fiction; you can get the e-book for $2 and both for $6 over at their store. My contributor copy is quite gorgeous, more so than what I would have expected from the PDF, although all the artwork and interior design is quite elegant. Here’s a review of some of the stories inside–I skipped a few but I’ll come back and add them later.