Structural Elements, Abyss & Apex 2Q 2014

Belated announcement… my short story "Structural Elements" is up as part of Abyss & Apex's 50th issue! A&A has always been pretty high up on my list for submissions, so I'm happy to finally have something that they found a good fit! And especially for so important a milestone as a 50th issue–they are a quality magazine and it's good to have them still alive and kicking, long past the average lifespan of other 'zines. Sam Tomaino reviews this issue at SFRevu, and calls "Structural Elements" a "luxurious, rich fantasy." Also, my current WIP is a YA fantasy novel set […]

Giving In to Gravity

Man, I've been out of the SFF scene for over a year now. The last short fiction I submitted to a market was in May 2011. I don't regret my hiatus–among other things, I got a master's degree and an amazing job–but getting back into the flow is going to be work. I understand now why people give up writing seriously. At this point, it would be easier to just keep sliding, write a 300-word blip a month, and pretend that I've still got it, while never finishing anything, never submitting anything. Dreams and goals are exhausting. I already work […]


I’ve had the Scrivener for Windows beta for a few months now, and this past month I really started using it. I’ve always been one of those bare-bones people who prefers to use Word instead of any fancy writing software. That still holds true for shorts, but I’ve turned back to one of my novel projects, and its scope exceeds the organizational capacity of Word. Scrivener’s true value became apparent once I started importing all my research files and images. Normally I feel guilty using multiple files for research; I label one "Geology" and then stuff several books worth of information into […]


I’ve exhausted my list of markets that accept novelettes/novellas, so instead I’m putting up Diviner (16k, dark fantasy with geology and renewable energy) on my WIP website. It’s under the Free Fiction page. I’m considering queuing this up as a YA novel… if I start the story earlier, the main character will be younger and just entering this particular world. Another interesting thing is that


While entering another datapoint into my submission sheet, I discovered a curious thing: for three years running now I’ve submitted to WotF’s 2nd Quarter, and 2nd Quarter only. Apparently I have an internal timetable that reminds me every March that WotF is the biggest and best game out there.